Agriculture Programs

S.T.A.R. Program
Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources (STAR)
is a FREE nationwide tool to assist farm operators and landowners in evaluating their nutrient and soil loss management practices on individual fields. STAR encourages farmers and landowners to use management practices and make decisions that will reduce the nutrient and soil losses on their fields, and in return, they are provided a field sign recognizing their level of commitment to conservation. Ultimately, this program will help reduce the nutrient and soil losses from farmland over larger areas, and specifically the various water sheds, while engaging key stakeholders from all corners of the agriculture sector - retail, commodity, agency, and farmers. In addition, the practices encouraged by STAR will also result in improved soil health.
is a FREE nationwide tool to assist farm operators and landowners in evaluating their nutrient and soil loss management practices on individual fields. STAR encourages farmers and landowners to use management practices and make decisions that will reduce the nutrient and soil losses on their fields, and in return, they are provided a field sign recognizing their level of commitment to conservation. Ultimately, this program will help reduce the nutrient and soil losses from farmland over larger areas, and specifically the various water sheds, while engaging key stakeholders from all corners of the agriculture sector - retail, commodity, agency, and farmers. In addition, the practices encouraged by STAR will also result in improved soil health.
Cost-Share Opportunities for Conservation Practices
McHenry-Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District facilitates the following State Cost-share practices.
Partners For Conservation Practices
Cost-share rates are 75% of the established average cost or the actual cost (whichever is less) and is provided as a reimbursement once the project is established.
Partners For Conservation Practices
Cost-share rates are 75% of the established average cost or the actual cost (whichever is less) and is provided as a reimbursement once the project is established.
• *Conservation Cover (Pollinator Habitat): Maximum of 10 acres may be enrolled. Average cost of establishment is $1,014.95.
• *No-till / Strip-till conversion: To be eligible No-till or Strip-till must never have been used on this acreage. Max payment of $30.00 per acre.
• *Cover Crops: Establishment on acreage which has never been planted to cover crops. Max payment of $40.00-$60.00/acre.
•Well Decommissioning: Maximum payments not to exceed $500 for hand dug wells or $850 for drilled wells
•Rain Gardens: 75% cost-share not to exceed $1.13 - $1.99/square ft
*Priority practices
*Priority practices
Streambank Stabilization Program
There is $100,000 available Statewide for projects.
There is $100,000 available Statewide for projects.
Projects are submitted and ranked for funding.
Cost-share is provided at 75% of average cost of Stone Toe Protection, Stream Barbs, Bendway Weirs, and Rock Riffles.
If Engineering is already completed, there is an opportunity for us to convert other Cost-Share funds to Streambank Stabilization funding.
For more information contact Spring Duffey at spring.duffey@il.nacdnet.net or (815) 338-0444 x 3.
application deadline March 10th
Request more information by email:Spring.duffey@il.nacdnet.net

Cover Crops
Midwest Cover Crops Council
Cover crops are plants seeded into agricultural fields, either within or outside of the regular growing season, with the primary purpose of improving or maintaining ecosystem quality. The goal of the Midwest Cover Crops Council (MCCC) is to facilitate widespread adoption of cover crops throughout the Midwest, to improve ecological, economic, and social sustainability.
Cover crops are plants seeded into agricultural fields, either within or outside of the regular growing season, with the primary purpose of improving or maintaining ecosystem quality. The goal of the Midwest Cover Crops Council (MCCC) is to facilitate widespread adoption of cover crops throughout the Midwest, to improve ecological, economic, and social sustainability.
Visit their website for more information and tools to assist in cover crop decisions and planning